
Meet Eliza Miron.

My friends and family have called me “Za” since my sister made up my nickname when she was younger. I started running everyday on September 21, 2002. I did not intentionally start a running streak, it was after a few months I realized I had not missed a day so I committed to running daily for a year to become a better runner. I didn’t just become a better runner, I developed this daily practice of taking the time out of the day - everyday, to connect to myself. Twenty some years later, after many injuries, illnesses, pregnancies, travel, danger, races, and airports, the streak lives on. I am here to share with you in how you can develop the discipline, dedication and self-motivation to connect to yourself despite any situation.

The Daily Run With Za

The Daily Run with Za was formulated in 2020 by Eliza Miron after 18 years of running every single day when she decided to share her story through social media. She rapidly grew her following and began inspiring people from all over the world. Her average over the twenty years has been a little over 4 miles, but has varied through life circumstances. One streak year she averaged 9.8 miles and another streak year she averaged a little under two miles.

The first decade of her run streak, she founded her high school’s track team, ran competitively at a DIII college in Pennsylvania totaling twelve seasons of Cross Country and Indoor/Outdoor track, and then went on to run four marathons in two years including the Boston marathon in 2009.

The second decade of her run streak got a little interesting as she began traveling to India annually and ran through airports and abroad in various places. From 2014-2017, she ran through two pregnancies and after delivery of her babies. She loves the sport of running, but even more the capacity that running has to support an individual in life.

She began practicing Yoga in 2008 as it helped her run more miles for her marathon training, but she knew there was something more to Yoga than just stretching so she embarked on several journeys to India. In 2016, after seven months of study over the course of four journeys to Mysore, India, Eliza was granted authorization from Sharath Jois, director of the KPJAYI to teach the Ashtanga Yoga method. From 2010-2012 Eliza studied and attended Sai Ayurvedic College in Miami, Florida and Anjali School of Ayurveda in Kerala, India earning an Associates degree in Vedic studies and becoming a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner. Recently she became a student at Institute for Integrative Nutrition graduating in December 2022. She teaches yoga one on one and coaches people in personal transformation and multidimensional health. See HERE for coaching

The philosophy…

We believe in the “measly mile.” The first decade of my run streak, I was a competitive distance runner. My training was my job. I would run 80-90 miles a week consistently and then become too tired for other activities in the day. I have had to run through many injuries, most caused by over-training. Once I found the discipline of Yoga, I scaled back my running to have a balance with my yoga practice. Becoming a mom of two boys, I learned how to balance all of this while raising two kids (still learning!) The “measly mile” is the bare minimum - running at least one metric mile every calendar day. The mile itself is measly because anyone can do it! But not missing a day of this commitment is anything but measly. One mile everyday is an achievable way to learn commitment, discipline and dedication. Of course you may run more, but the measly mile is a good place to start.


Yoga Life

My first yoga experience was when I was 12 years old at a summer camp in Michigan, I remember thinking “wow, this feels like magic, I’ll come back to it later.” And I did after I graduated college in 2008 and was training for my first marathon. At first yoga was a good balance for training, but I knew there was something more so I set off on a journey to figure it out. I came across the Ashtanga Yoga tradition in the lineage of Pattabhi Jois and made five separate journeys to India to learn more. After six years of nearly daily practice and seven months of study at the institute over the course of four trips, I was given the authorization to teach the method by Sharath Jois. I practice yoga 4-6 times per week in the wee hours of the morning, still discovering and learning more everyday. Yoga practice is a life long journey!

Family Life

I was born outside of Boston, Massachusetts, but grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I went to Dickinson college in Pennsylvania and studied abroad in the south of France and London. From 2010-2015 I lived various places including Miami, Portland, Maine, Ann Arbor, Houston and annual study trips to India. After my first son, Ray was born in Houston in 2014, I returned home to Indiana. Clark was born in 2016 and we also live with two adopted dogs from the streets of India. Besides running and yoga, I don’t do much else. I enjoy cooking nutritious food, baking for friends, being with family, reading about quantum physics and the Upanishads, driving fast cars and teachings kids gymnastics. My future goals are to live in a tropical place where I can run every morning and watch the sunrise over an ocean, never having to wear more than 2 layers and giving my boys better opportunity through education and sports.